What is a pesticide service container?
What is a pesticide service container?
Service containers are containers that are filled with an EPA-registered pesticide by an applicator and usually transported to a use site where the pesticide will be applied by the applicator. Although a product may be temporarily stored in a service container, the container is not intended for long-term storage.
What are the 2 storage requirements for pesticides?
Keep pesticides from freezing and from extremely high temperatures–most pesticides should be stored between 40 and 90°F. Read the label and the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to be sure. Keep containers out of direct sunlight. Do not put containers, especially glass or aerosol containers, in windows even temporarily.
How do you wash pesticide containers?
Remove the container cap and empty all pesticide into the spray tank. Allow the container to drain for 30 seconds, then rinse immediately, before the product becomes sticky and hard to remove. Fill the container 10%-20% full of water or rinse solution; replace the cap.
What must a container of pesticides be labeled with quizlet?
The common name (or the chemical name, if no common name is given) is the most accurate and useful way to identify a pesticide product. Name and explain the meaning of the signal words and symbols you may see on a pesticide product.
What are pesticide containers made of?
Most non-refillable containers are made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic; some are constructed of metal. Recycling and landfills provide disposal options.
What is the importance of label on pesticide container and what type of information are on it?
Why is it important to read pesticide labels before using pesticides? Pesticide labels contain detailed information on how to use the product correctly and legally. Labels also contain information on potential hazards associated with the product and instructions you should follow in the event of a poisoning or spill.
What are the proper storage and disposal of pesticide?
If you have unwanted pesticide products, store them safely and dispose of them as soon as you can. Dispose of pesticides as instructed on the product label. Look for the “Storage and Disposal” statement on your pesticide label. If any product remains in the container it must be disposed of as household hazardous waste.
How long can you store pesticides?
two years
Most pesticides have an indicated shelf-life of at least two years from the time of manufacture, but shelf-life will be shortened if pesticides are not stored properly (e.g. if they are stored at high temperatures).
How many times must an empty pesticide container be rinsed before disposing of the container?
Therefore, empty pesticide containers must be triple-rinsed prior to disposal or recycling. Containers bearing the signal words “Danger” or “Warning” must be triple-rinsed, per Chapter 173-303-160 of the Washington Administrative Code.
What must a container of pesticides be labeled?
The pesticide container regulations require pesticide labels to include statements identifying the container as nonrefillable or refillable and providing instructions on how to handle and clean it. Pesticide registrants must ensure that labels have the required information.
What is the definition of EPA registered when it appears on the label of a pesticide product?
“EPA-registered” means a product should do what the label says and should not pose an unreasonable hazard to your health.