How many accredited PT schools are currently operating in the state of Utah?
How many accredited PT schools are currently operating in the state of Utah?
Utah has 3 CAPTE accredited PTA schools. Applying for a PTA license in Utah, will require you to successfully finish an accredited PTA program and also to pass the National Physical Therapist Assistant Exam (NPTAE).
What is the level of degree a PTA receives once graduating from a CAPTE accredited program?
doctoral degree level
CAPTE accredits first professional (entry-level) programs in the U.S. for the physical therapist at the doctoral degree level and programs for the physical therapist assistant at the associate degree level.
What does CAPTE stand for in PT?
the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
Welcome to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education! CAPTE is an accrediting agency that is nationally recognized by the US Department of Education (USDE) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
What does CAPTE developing mean?
Programs are placed on the Developing Program list when the Department of Accreditation is officially notified that a Program Director has been hired. These programs are in the early stages of development; no students have been admitted to the technical (PTA) or professional (PT) phase.
How long is a DPT program?
three years
Program length. The traditional DPT program is three years, but some programs compress academic requirements into a shorter time span, which could help you manage the total cost of your education experience and enter the field faster.
How long is the DPT program at University of Utah?
3 years
Courses cover 9 semesters over 3 years culminating in an entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Degree. Since 2008, our graduates have achieved a 99% first-time pass rate on the national license exam. Employment rates are 100% as reported by graduates actively seeking practice positions (4-year average).
How much do physical therapist assistants make in Utah?
The average salary for a physical therapist assistant in Utah is around $61,150 per year.
Why is capte important?
CAPTE accreditation is important because: It helps students and their parents select programs that will provide the education necessary to enter the profession.