What is a discada cooker?
What is a discada cooker?
Learn more. This BBQ disc blade is also known as a discada, disco, cowboy wok or plow disc cooker. Designed with a contoured 24 in. steel disc blade that is concaved to provide plenty of cooking surface area for stir-frying and searing your favorite breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes.
What is a plow disk cooker?
Search. What Is It? Blue Moon cooking disks are steel agricultural plow disc blades converted to large cooking pans that are traditionally called Discada’s, or Disco’s in hispanic communities. Across the SouthWest, they often go by other names such as Cowboy Woks or simply Plow Disk Cooking Pan’s.
How many BTU do I need for discada?
Patented 65,000 BTU burners burn 75 percent cleaner than CSA standards.
Are disc grills good?
Discadas do a good job frying and don’t require as much oil as conventional fryers. Here the FireDisc shines. The hot burner and 2.5 inch Heat Ring are an asset. Plow discs are heavy steel or cast iron concave circles.
How many BTU do I need for Discada?
What is a Skottle grill?
The Skottle is fast gaining its deserved recognition since it was first discovered in South Africa and has been tagged a South African cooking device. It is a seasoned frying pan having no side walls but with a slightly concaved shape to prevent your food from rolling off, and it is usually mounted on a tripod.
What kind of steel are disc blades made of?
Broken discs can cause a world of problems in the field and require time-consuming maintenance to replace. That’s why Ingersoll discs are made with a unique boron steel alloy. you won’t find very many things in the Universe harder than our boron steel. In fact, some boron compounds can even scratch a diamond.
What is a plow disk made of?
Discadas are generally made of pressed carbon-steel plow discs, and typically range from 22 to 24 inches.