Can you stack coupon codes at JCPenney?
Can you stack coupon codes at JCPenney?
JCPenney allows coupon stacking, a savings strategy that involves using over one coupon per transaction.
Does JCPenney give discounts?
JCPenney will email or text you deals and discounts as well as coupons that can be used online or in stores.
How do I use JCP codes?
You may also manually enter the Reward code and serial number on the checkout page at to apply your $10 JCPenney Reward to your online purchase. You can use up to 10 $10 rewards on a single purchase, for a total savings of up to $100.
How do I save money at JCPenney?
Employees can earn 25-30% off when they pay with their JCPenney card. Employee discounts can be applied to clearance and sale items, along with coupons. It makes for a pretty huge savings opportunity.
Does JCPenney have military discount?
Answer: As a thank you for those who have served our country, we do offer a military discount.
Can you apply multiple coupons on JCPenney?
JCPenney allows you to apply multiple coupons to one order as long as each offer is a different type. For example, you can use one for a percentage or dollar amount off first, then apply one for a rewards discount, and finally top it off with one for free shipping when it’s available.
How do I get JCPenney coupons in the mail?
You can visit JCPenney’s website ( and look for the tab that says “Get Connected.” Enter your email address and click the “submit” button. JCPenney will email you deals and discounts as well as coupons that can be used online or in stores.
How to redeem JCPenney Rewards online?
How do I redeem my $10 JCPenney Reward online? If you have already enrolled in Rewards, have authenticated your account and are signed in to, you will have the option to apply your Reward(s) directly to your purchase in shopping bag, checkout page or via the mobile wallet in the JCPenney App.